Human Trafficking Aftercare
The Life Link’s Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative, based in Santa Fe, is New Mexico’s only comprehensive aftercare program dedicated to supporting survivors of human trafficking. We work closely with State government, law enforcement, community partners, healthcare providers, and other key stakeholders to ensure that survivors receive compassionate, holistic care tailored to their unique needs.
Our services include crisis response, intensive case management, advocacy, access to essential benefits, mental health and substance use support, emergency and permanent housing, trauma-informed treatment, and connections to additional community resources. We are here to walk alongside survivors, empowering them to heal and rebuild their lives in a safe and supportive environment.

New Mexico Human Trafficking Hotline
The Life Link Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative is responsible for the creation and ongoing operation of the 505-GET-FREE hotline. This outreach project was designed to provide an easy-to-remember local number for human trafficking victims to contact in order to get help, information, or resources.
505-GET-FREE was also the first “textline” in the country, enabling victims to reach out in a private, confidential manner to access assistance.
The Life Link’s program has received referrals from around the country and is gaining a national reputation for development and implementation of a best-practices approach for working with human trafficking victims. groups, the Initiative strives to provide rights-based, wraparound care to meet the myriad needs of rescued victims as they navigate the difficult road to recovery.
Recognizing Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking Indicators
While not an exhaustive list, these are some key red flags that could alert you to a potential trafficking situation that should be reported:
Living with employer
Poor living conditions
Multiple people in cramped space
Inability to speak to individual alone
Answers appear to be scripted/rehearsed
Employer is holding identity documents
Signs of physical abuse
Submissive or fearful
Unpaid or paid very little
Dressed inappropriately for the weather
Questions to Ask
Assuming you have the opportunity to speak with a potential victim privately and without jeopardizing the victim's safety because the trafficker is watching, here are some sample questions to ask to follow-up on the red flags:
Can you leave your job if you want to?
Can you come and go as you please?
Have you been hurt or threatened if you tried to leave?
Has your family been threatened?
Do you live with your employer?
Where do you sleep and eat?
Are you in debt to your employer?
Do you have your passport/identification?
Who has it?
Helping Survivors Rebuild Lives
The Life Link's Human Trafficking Aftercare Program provides client-driven, time-unlimited, rights-based, and trauma-informed care for survivors of Human Trafficking. No law enforcement cooperation is required for participation in the program.
Our Human Trafficking Aftercare Resources:
Crisis Prevention
Safety and Stabilization
Emergency, Safe-house and Long-Term Housing
Medical Care
Comprehensive Community Support Services
Positive Support System
Life Skills
Expedited Access to Benefits
Individual and Group Counseling
Evidence-based Treatment Approaches
Trauma-Specific and Complex Trauma Treatment Service
Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Psychiatric/Medication Assisted Treatment (Suboxone)